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E nga waka, e nga reo, e nga kaupapa tangata, piki mai, kake mai, he wāhi mihi tënei ki a koutou katoa e rangatira mā.
Tena koutou katoa. I tënei pukapuka he kete paraha mahi mo nga Papakāinga.

“Te Keteparaha mo nga Papakāinga”

The Māori Housing Toolkit is a step-by-step guide designed to assist Māori to develop papakāinga1 proposals (development plan) on multiple owned Māori land. The concept of papakāinga is not new and has traditionally been associated with Māori housing in a Marae setting. Papakāinga areas have also included other activities such as: kohanga reo, kura kaupapa, health clinic, horticulture or agriculture, sports and/or recreational areas, urupa and heritage sites.
The process for developing multiple owned Māori land for papakāinga can be complex and time consuming. There are two main components that contribute to this; firstly there are a lot of people and different organisations involved (e.g. your immediate and wider whanau, trustees, Māori Land Court, council, government agencies including Housing NZ and technical experts such as planners, lawyers and engineers). Secondly, most of the initial work for the first 3 steps Kaupapa, Rangahau and Whiriwhiri is done on a voluntary basis.
This toolkit breaks the whole process up into five steps. Each step is broken down into achievable actions, questions, decisions and the next step in a timely manner.
The focus of “Te Keteparaha mo nga papakāinga” is to assist Māori Land Trusts with their aspirations to develop and build homes on multiple owned Māori land for the benefi cial owners. However, help in understanding the processes involved for individuals building their own home is currently available from Housing NZ and the Māori Land Court. We recommend you also use the documents listed in the appendices of this toolkit for each step.


Papakāinga brochure
In conjunction with the toolkit is the ‘papakāinga brochure’ that provides a brief introduction to the steps, phases and overall process. The brochure is a useful tool to hand out at meetings and to other land owners to show the overall process and to check how you or the trust is progressing.



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