Far away from the every day!
This is a test !Endless beauty & Calm
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Far away from the every day!
A Message From the Mayor
Old Town of Riverside is a special place with limitless potential, where everyone deserves equal access to opportunity, happiness, and a bright future.
Our City is here to help foster those ideals in every neighborhood. It exists to serve you and be a resource for you, your family, and your community.
Lisa Woodson, your Mayour
Our city in numbers
Programs to help launch, grow and expand any business
A vibrant destination where innovations in design and technology are born. A place for you.
Road construction
Find current information about construction projects and other city-wide road work impacting you.
COVID-19 updates
Visit our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update page for information on all City services.
Garbage pickup
Find your garbage zone and schedule, learn what goes where and report missed collection.
Learn about our parking rules and regulations, pay tickets online and request enforcement.
Council meetings
Find links to Council's schedule, agendas and minutes and stream council meetings.
Recreation and sport programs
View programs and classes, swim and skate schedules and register for programs.
Find out what’s going on & stay up to date.
Town News
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