District Councils
There are 16 Councils at the District level of the New Zealand Māori Council. They are listed below.
District Councils

Primarily covering the rohe of Taranaki. Which spreads to the base of Ruapehu and down the Whanganui river.


Commonly known as the king country, Covers the west coast from Mokau to Kawhia and across to include towns such as otorohanga, Te Kuiti and Bennydale

Tauranga Moana

Te Tai Tokerau

Te Tai Rawhiti
Gisborne is the jewel of the coast and is the centre of this district.It contuines around the coast and around the tip of cape Runaway.

Tamaki ki te Tonga
This District is often referred to as South Auckland and generally covers the northern most area of Tainui.

Tamaki Makaurau

Te Arawa
Boasting Rotorua as the geothermal center and Tourist capital of New Zealand while representing one of the largest Māori populations in the country.

Te Tau Ihu

Te Waipounamu
The rohe of Te Waipounamu District spans the south island approx from Rakiura to Kaikoura and across to Karamea.

The Mighty Waikato District Maori counil is centred around the river & Hamilton wile reacing up to the Bomaby hills.

Wellington District covers from the Rimutaka ranges, along the Akatarawa forest through to Peka Peka on the Kapiti coast.