Ongoing Kaupapa
The New Zealand Māori Council advocates Māori policy development and supports community initiatives that contribute to te mana motuhake o te iwi Māori. The council has a proud 50 – year record advocating for Māori interests. The council has continuously exerted pressure on governments to protect Treaty of Waitangi rights with policies that further partnership, protection, consultation and compensation for Māori. This has achieved significant results for Māori in terms of land, forestry, fisheries, language and radio frequency spectrum. The unique feature of the NZ Māori Council is its statutory mandate to work for and on behalf of the greater Māori community.

Waitangi Tribunal Inquiries
The New Zealand Māori Council leads and is involved with a number of Waitangi Tribunal Inquiries.
The Council has supported claimants in historical inquiries across the country. The New Zealand Māori Council is actively involved in a number of kaupapa inquiries, either as a lead claimant, or in
Support of other claimants. The Council has given evidence and supported claimants in the Tribunal
Inquiries into Oranga Tamariki, TPPA, Takutai Moana, Housing Mana Wahine, Health, Justice and
Freshwater and Geothermal.

Policy Development
He Taongo Wai
The New Zealand Māori Council believes all New Zealanders should have free access to reasonable water supplies for personal domestic needs as a basic human right, and reasonable access to natural water bodies for recreation.
Māori interest: the Māori interest is based on prior use. It is recognised by Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the common law – but is not recognised in national policy.
Māori rights and interests in freshwater comprises:
– Proprietary interests in water resources based on customary use. – Cultural interests in the preservation of healthy water bodies. These derive from the Māori spiritual comprehension of water resources and the associated ethic of responsible use.
Freshwater Litigation:
The New Zealand Māori Council supports the Poroti Springs Māori Land Court claim for Māori commercial and governance rights in freshwater. This ties in with the work of the Council in the Freshwater and Geothermal Inquiry currently underway in the Waitangi Tribunal.
NZMC Boundaries and Voting:
With support from Te Puni Kōkiri, NZMC is developing and mapping a precise record of its boundaries to ensure ease of registration for Māori wanting to vote and join at the next elections in 2024